Your leadership success will largely be determined by what you do during the critical first 90 days.

In the first 90 days you will be expected to assume your new leadership role, build credibility, understand what your supervisor expects from you, learn the culture of the school, determine which problems need to be solved (and which ones can wait), make precise decisions, build relationships, score early wins, lead your team, and do this all without making mistakes that will damage your ability to lead effectively.    


The pressure is on, and it can feel very overwhelming, which is why you need this course!


We will help you!

A Leadership Course Built Specifically for Educational Leaders Starting New Leadership Positions!

  • Expertise

    Our curriculum is built and delivered by experts. Leaders who have "been there and done that" in education and private industry. Nowhere else will you receive this unique, and incredibly powerful blend of academic and private-sector leadership training that’s been designed specifically for educational leaders like you. We know where you’re at and where you’re going, and we’ve built the course you need!

  • Results

    This course is about results: YOUR LEADERSHIP SUCCESS. It’s not a basic leadership theory and philosophy course. The objective of this course is focused on empowering you with the most innovative leadership tools & resources, and a plan to use them, so that you will achieve success in the critical first 90 days of your new leadership position!

  • Community

    You'll get access to our monthly virtual "F90 Leadership Cohorts", where you will receive live leadership training , collaborate with other leaders enrolled in the course and enjoy the confidence that comes from having a live team of experts standing with you as you crush the first 90 days! We're hyper-focused on your success and we have your back!

This leadership decision is easy!

In the private sector, the materials, resources and coaching in this course cost several thousand dollars. However, educational leaders have access to the entire course and all of the resources for just $49.99! This is a ridiculously low price, and we hope you take advantage of it!

  • A 90 Day Action Plan to help you always take the right action at the right time.

  • Over 15 different tools and resources to use and leverage in your new leadership position.

  • 16 different new leader modules to make sure you set the stage for your success and hit the ground running.

  • Engaging, innovative and impactful training designed specifically for educational leaders.

  • Powerful tools and resources that you can use immediately in your new leadership position!

LaunchEd: Leadership Training for New School Administrators

Course Modules

    1. LaunchEd: Leadership Training for New School Administrators

    1. Module Video: Congratulations!

    1. Module Video: Understand the Game

    1. Module Video: Get Your Mind Right - It All Begins Above the Shoulders

    1. Module Video: What Are Your Leadership Tenets?

    2. Resource: Leadership Tenets Example

    1. Module Video: Get Ready to Play, But Leave Your Old Position First

    2. Resource: I Like To Do, I Don't Like To Do

    3. Resource: Old Versus New - Compare and Contrast

School Leadership: The Critical First 90 Days!

  • $49.99
  • 34 lessons
  • 5.5 hours of video content

This is the leadership course that you've been looking for!

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Why are the first 90 days so important to the success of a leader?

    Leadership transition is very stressful for everyone involved: the new leader, the leader’s supervisor, the organization, the employees, the students, and the community. It’s a time of momentous change and anxiety. It’s also a time when all eyes will be on you, and you will need to build your credibility very quickly. You will be asked to begin making decisions the minute you are awarded the position and unfortunately, you will be asked to make decisions about school-specific issues you will have very little knowledge of. Some of these decisions, if made poorly, can have a significant impact on your leadership. You will also be tasked with building relationships, learning the culture, and navigating the unique personnel dynamics at the school. All of this is happening while you’re trying to build a relationship with you supervisor and learn what his/her goals/objectives/vision is for you and your position. You’ll need to manage all of this while you avoid making critical mistakes, damaging new relationships, or losing the trust and support of your supervisor. If you ask superintendents at what point they began noticing trouble & struggles in the leaders they’ve had to release, most will tell you that the cracks in the leadership began forming in the first 90 days. Remember, you’ll get 90 days, but you probably won’t get second chances!

  • What are the F90 Leadership Cohorts and how will they help me?

    The F90 Leadership Cohorts are live, group training and coaching that take place once a month. They are designed to give you the opportunity to engage in live leadership training where you can learn, discuss, apply, and reflect on the many different concepts presented in the course. These types of live trainings are very rare in educational leadership and are usually very expensive. At The Andrix Group we know how impactful they are and have brought them into this course at a significant price reduction to help educational leaders like you!

  • The course is a lot of money, is it worth it?

    Yes, the course is absolutely worth it! The innovative resources, the quality of the materials, the live leadership training, when valued separately retail for nearly $5,000. We have significantly reduced this price to make it a “no brainer” for new educational leaders or educational leaders who are stepping into a new position. The value far outweighs the cost! If you look at the cost-benefit from another perspective, ask yourself how much you would be willing to spend to greatly reduce the likelihood of not being successful, while at the same time learning how you can become a much more effective and efficient leader, who has a better work-life balance. Most leaders would pay far more than the price of this course to achieve all of this!

  • I feel like I’m already overwhelmed, will I have the time to do this course?

    Leadership starts fast, but it’s important to put the brakes on, slow down, look around and see if there is a better way to do things. There’s a lot riding on your success, so take the opportunity to see this course as a way to SAVE time, for many years! Yes, it may take a little time now (although the course is designed to be very efficient), but this investment in time will give you tons of time back later. Think of how much time you’re already spending. Whether it’s time at work, time thinking about work, the time lost when you’re with your friends and family, but your mind is at work, or the time spent waking up in the middle of the night trying to figure out a solution to a problem – and the time wasted the next day when you feel like crap because you didn’t sleep. What would you pay and how much time would you invest to get this “work” time back? The innovative tools, resources, materials and coaching in this course are designed to make your leadership more effective and efficient – and both will help give you your time, and energy, back!

  • I’m currently applying for school leadership positions. Should I take this course even though I haven’t been hired yet?

    YES!!!!!! Not only will you be very prepared for your first 90 days when you’re hired but think about what a massive competitive advantage you’ll have over the other candidates during the interview process. You are going to be able to answer questions from the vantage point of having a very precise plan and knowing EXACTLY what you’re going to do during your first 90 days. You will have a detailed, customized, and highly effective 90-day plan that you can use to impress the interview panel and build immediate trust with your soon-to-be supervisor. You will begin developing tremendous credibility before you even accept the position!

Still not sure?

No problem, we're happy to answer your questions and share more information!

Email us at [email protected]